Fuel Storage

Silos, Fuel Bunkers, Trailers, and Day Bins

AFS offers an array of options for fuel storage based on several factors such as storage capacity requirements, amount and type of fuel, length of storage, first in / first out requirements and how the fuel will be transferred to the combustion system. 

Examples of fuel storage systems are silos, scrape system bunkers, self-unloading bins / trailers, metering bins and day bins.

Depending on your needs AFS can design and build bunkers above or below ground to receive fuel from trucks, self-unloading trailers, front end loaders, pneumatic and conveyor systems. Storages silos provide optimal storage in limited space.

Most storage options can be paired with conveyors, pneumatic and hydraulic systems that provide a turn-key & versatile solutions for storage and transfer. 


Silos are available in concrete or metal configurations. All silos are provided with an automatic self-unloader to transfer the stored fuel to the combustion system. A pneumatic or mechanical conveying system is required to fill the silo. Storage silos provide optimal fuel storage within a limited amount of space.

Fuel Bunker

Fuel Bunkers are live bottom pits that can be provided in concrete configuration or as a steel bin above the ground. The bunkers are custom designed to fit an individuals fuel and space requirements. They contain a series of hydraulically operated scrapes located at the bottom of the bin or a leveling screw at the top and pull the fuel from the bin upon demand. The advantage to bunker storage is that it can receive fuel in a wide variety of ways including self-unloading trailers, dump trucks, front-end loaders, conveyors and pneumatic systems. Different types of fuels can also be combined or segregated within the bunker if desired.

Scrape System

The Scrape System fuel bunkers contain a series of hydraulically operated scrapes located at the bottom of the bin or a leveling screw at the top and pull the fuel from the bin upon demand.

The Traversing Screw bunker consists of a monorail mounted traversing screw which moves along the length of the bunker floor. This system automatically extracts the wood fuel along the entire length of the floor and then discharges into the exit cross conveyor.

Self-Unloading Bins

Self-Unloading bins provide an economical and versatile means of fuel storage. The live bottom bins trailers are hydraulically operated and can be discharged to a receiving/metering conveyor. The bins can handle virtually any type of fuel. The trailers can also be used to transfer fuel from remote parts of your plant to the combustion system without the need for a transfer system. The bins are also be used in combination with the AFS day bin.

Day Bins

Day Bins are storage bins designed to receive fuel from live bottom trailers, dump trucks or front-end loaders. A large hopper is provided to receive the fuel that is then discharged into a conveyor system. The conveyor will meter the fuel out of the bin to the material handling system. When used in conjunction with live bottom trailers, AFS provides components to automatically operate the self-unloading trailers to fill the Day Bin upon demand. The trailers are left connected to the Day Bin thus providing additional storage. The Day Bin vibrating discharge conveyor can be provided with a metal detector and a screen section for segregating oversized material if required.
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